ADA Help

Bill Norkunas carrying the Olympic torch

Mr. William Norkunas began his work many long years before there was an “Americans with Disabilities Act."

As a former March of Dimes Polio Poster Child, Bill has first-hand experience, the knowledge, and a real world education on man-made barriers—the obstructions that prevent individuals with disabilities from moving freely in a seemingly endless world of barriers.

Bill's higher education includes a business major at Merrimack College, attending Harvard University's Graduate School of Design, and the University of Wisconsin’s College of Engineering. His personal experiences, along with his education, allow Bill to better understand what the A.D.A. means and requires for business. It also provides him with technical insight and understanding design and the construction costs associated with A.D.A. barrier removal.

Today, many local, county, and state governments, as well as the Federal government, recognize Bill as an expert in Title II and Title III of the A.D.A. He is certified as an expert witness by the Federal Courts on A.D.A. matters.

Bill is continually called upon to bring an understanding of A.D.A. compliance requirements to a myriad of projects including small businesses and multimillion dollar corporations, local, county and state government facilities—including parks, monuments, and landmarks. He is directly involved in A.D.A. compliance projects for hotels, motels, theaters, and sports facilities.

Bill has personally conducted in excess of three thousand five hundred (3,500) A.D.A. Barrier Removal Surveys in multiple areas of the country, and is an active participant in state and national A.D.A. workshops and seminars. He is also a regular contributor to the print and television media with regard to disability issues throughout all areas of the United States.